Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Howl #5: Hamsters

Hey Jammers!
A few weeks ago, AJHQ announced that hamsters are now available for all Jammers. Awesome! Now, all Jammers can buy their own hamsters. 
But why stop there? Why should non-members ONLY be allowed to buy hamsters? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a great start, but shouldn't they be able to buy more than just a normal hamster? Sure, hamsters are great, but wouldn't it be awesome if non-members could buy a puppy or a kitten or a snake?
Another thing that ticks me off is the fact that non-members can't even buy their pet accessories. 

That's just messed up. If you can buy a hamster, you should also have the ability to buy it cute little outfits as well.
And look! Non-members can't even take their hamsters to the pet wash!

Like I said. If you can buy a hamster, you should also have the privilege to buy it accessories and take it to the pet wash. 
I think it's about time we step up to make a change. I'm sick of sitting back and watching non-members be treated like dirt. Our first mission is to open up the pet wash to all Jammers. We'll start by simply emailing AJHQ and telling them how we feel. If we tell them that we feel that it's unfair that non-members cannot use the pet wash, and we give them a reason that's legit that they should open it up for all Jammers, they might just listen to us. But be sure not to demand anything. We need to be polite, right? Being rude won't solve anything.
So, basically, you're mission is to email AJHQ and politely ask them to open up the pet wash for all Jammers. That's easy enough isn't it? 
Jam on!

(Signature not available)


  1. I hate how AJ is just rude to nonmembers. I mean, like how would YOU feel if you couldn't even Buy something. First of all, Most of the nonmember items are not in the stores. And you can't even change the color of an item! The list goes on and on. I know I'm a member, but I remember back in 2011 where nonmembers and members were treated the same.

  2. I stick up for non-members, Non-member or not! Like the one who created this blog. AJ, treat non-members and members the SAME. We dont want segregation between non-members and members, do we? Aj is so rude to non-members!
    Countess Magicgem

  3. ;-; animaljam is treating nms dirt - snow1334111 I am nm

    1. Im thinking about MEMBERS BULLYING NON MEMBERS. I am a member and I was at my friends house (she was a member to) a non member came and said Hi Im new! and my friend said Non Members stink and never show dont they kat :P

      I said gosh dont be mean and To this day she is a blocked Jammer and I am best friends with the non member who is now a very rare member :)

  4. I agree. I feel bed whenever I see a MEMBER ONLY sign! I feel like AJ doesn't even care about us non members, and only care for members because members PAY for their memberships so they get money from members. They are treating is like we're nothing and just being rude. It's like they think of non members as dirt but members as the tree in a field. They don't see this, but how can a tree grow in a field without dirt? We're important to!

    1. There are always several trees in the field. so its not like members are special! Im a member but that doesnt mean im differrent than the non members! Ok, i understand that they need money to keep the game going. and thats not exactly a bad thing. But its like what? One time I had to meet up with my friend in Jamaa township and when i found her, there was an arcticwolf girl saying "EW! A non-member! Cant even afford a membership!" And i told that person she was a beach! My friend was like WOAH LEAPORD! Then i told my mom to cancel my membership until callia (my friend) got hers back to support her and her sister (also my friend, Evelynkim) Btw they just members whos memberships expired. So its like, dude my membership expired im getting it back next week.

  5. I mean, think about it! We can't even receive items from cards! I have a friend, and she has a sister that plays AJ. She wanted to live with her sister, so she gave ALL her items to her sister through the card thing. But what she DIDN'T know, is that only MEMBERS can get stuff from cards! She got a card from her friend that had a rare in it!

  6. Hello! I am nafaria9, a member of a special movement to help out Non-Members! We help out Non-Members by giving them stores to shop at with different colored items, give them simple den tricks, etc.

    I really like blogs about how to change Jamaa! Would you mind taking a peek at the blog? Here is the link:


    Thanks, I truly love this blog. :3

  7. I am not a non member but I understand everything from my non member account. We should email AJHQ saying were sorry but we might quit if non members are not getting treated fairly it always works.

  8. I think you are so right. Its unfair to nonmembers. And what I really hate is that if kids can't afford it Animal Jam makes them feel bad about it and stuff.

  9. I think that it is especially annoying, as I am a non member who subscribes to their magazine. but I have to pay more money to be a member on their website.

  10. i bet thats beta or something cause im a memmber and it's not like that at all

  11. i do feel bad for non-memebers... at least i bought my membership myself with my own money
